1. Barbara F. Holt, "Ithaca's Highest Fidelity in FM", Cornell Daily Sun, November 12, 1959, P.8.

2. Charles A. Taylor, Twenty Years of Extension Broadcasting 1925-1945, Cornell Extension Bulletin 726, July, 1947, pp. 8-13.

3. Ibid., pp. 37-39.

4.  Cornell Daily Sun, Radio Guild Will Sponsor Initial Open Auditions Today, Tomorrow", October 2, 1935, P. 1.

5. Cornell Daily Sun, "Cornellians on the Air" (editorial), October 2, 1935, P. 4.

6. Cornell Daily Sun, October 21, 1935, P. 1.

7. J. R. Meachem, Wired Programs for Cornell (typed report) (Ithaca, N.Y.: 1940), pp. 1-2 .

7A. G. Emerson Cole, Letter to President, C. R. G., December 17, 1951, P. 1., Cornell Daily Sun, "Cornell Radio Guild to Inaugurate Campus Broadcasting Programs", September 26, 1940, p. 14.

8. CRG Broadside, October, 1940.

9. Cornell Daily Sun, "Cascadilla Hears First Broadcast From Station CRG", November 2, 1940, p. 1.

10. G. Emerson Cole, Letter to President, C. R. G., December 17, 1951, P. 1.; Certificate of Incorporation of the Cornell Radio Guild, Inc.

10A. Charles A. Taylor, Twenty Years of Extension Broadcasting 1925-1945, Cornell Extension Bulletin 726, July, 1947, pp. 37-39; Bill Ellison '54, A Short History of WVBR(mimeographed, two-page report) (Ithaca, N.Y.: 1951), pp. 1-2.

11. Alan M. Strout, "WVBR Policy Revision" (letter to the editor), Cornell Daily Sun, November 14, 1947, p. 4.

12. Cornell Daily Sun, "Growth of CRG Leads to Rating As One of Best", February 1, 1946.

13. Robin Wendell,"Campus Broadcasts" (letter to the editor), Cornell Daily Sun, November 12, 1947, P. 4.

14. Cornell Daily Sun, "Complaint Department" (letter to the editor), November 10, 1947, P. 4.

15. Alan M. Strout, "WVBR Policy Revision" (letter to the editor), Cornell Daily Sun, November 14, 1947, P. 4.

16. Cornell Daily Sun, "WVBR Opens New Network", April 19, 1948; Cornell Daily Sun, "Empire Network Extends System To Four Schools", May 10, 1948.

17. John D. Morris, Report to the Student Activity Fee Committee (typed report) (Ithaca, N.Y.: May, 1949), PP. 1-6.

17A. W. F. G., The Ivy Network(mimeographed, one-page report) (New Haven, Conn.: 1954).

18. WVBR Radio-Gram, "Musical Marathon", vol. 2, no. 1 (September, 1953), P. 4.

19. Barbara F. Holt, "Ithaca’s Highest Fidelity in FM", Cornell Daily Sun, November 12, 1959, P. 8.; Post-Standard, "Station Survives Bureaucrats and Invaders" (Syracuse, N.Y.), February 15, 1959, p. 15.

20. WVBR Radio-Gram,"Station Opens Coverage", vol 2, no. 2 (November, 1953), P. 1.

21. David A. Hodges, "On The Air For Everyone", Cornell Engineer, February, 1958, pp. 28-30.

22. Post-Standard, "Station Survives Bureaucrats and Invaders' (Syracuse, N.Y.), February 15, 1959, p. 15.

23. John A. Jensen, quoted by Barbara F. Holt, "Ithaca’s Highest Fidelity in FM, Cornell Daily Sun, November 12, 1959, p. 3.

24. WVBR-FM Program Guide, vol. 2, no. 9 (May.1960), inside front cover.

25. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to 0. Paul Varnell'63 and Henry Kramer'63 for the wealth of information about Guild history that I have gained from my conversations with them. I am also deeply indebted to Michael J. Henry '59, and to all those before him who served as Guild historians, for the collection of materials dealing with the development of the Guild.


"Cascadilla Hears First Broadcast From Station CRG", Cornell Daily Sun, November 2, 1940, p. 1.

Certificate of Incorporation of the Cornell Radio Guild, Inc. (issued in Albany, N.Y., September 22, 1941).

COLE, G. EMERSON, Letter to President, C. R. G., December 17, 1951.

"Complaint Department" (letter to the editor), Cornell Daily Sun, November 10, 1947, p. 4.

Cornell Daily Sun, October 21, 1935, p. 1.

"Cornell Radio Guild to Inaugurate Campus Broadcasting Programs", Cornell Daily Sun, September 26, 1940, p. 14.

"Cornellians on the Air" (editorial), Cornell Daily Sun, October 2, 1935, P. 4.

CRG Broadside, October, 1940.

ELLISON, BILL, A Short History of WVBR(mimeographed, two-page report, Ithaca,N.Y., 1951), pp. 1-2.

"Empire Network Extends System To Four Schools", Cornell Daily Sun, May 10, 1948.

"Growth of CRG Leads to Rating As One of Best", Cornell Daily Sun, February 1, 1946.

G., W. F., The Ivy Network (mimeographed, one-page report. New Haven, Conn., 1954).

HODGES, DAVID A., "On The Air For Everyone", Cornell Engineer, February, 1958, pp. 28-30.

HOLT, BARBARA F., "Ithaca’s Highest Fidelity in FM", Cornell Daily Sun,November 12, 1959, p. 8.

JENSEN, JOHN A., quoted by Barbara F. Holt in "Ithaca’s Highest Fidelity in FM", Cornell Daily Sun, November 12, 1959, p. 8.

MEACHEM,J.R., Wired Programs for Cornell (typed report, Ithaca,N.Y., 1940), pp. 1-2.

MORRIS, JOHN D., Report to the Student Activity Fee Committee (typed report, Ithaca,N.Y., May, 1949), pp. 1-6.

"Musical Marathon", WVBR Radio-Gram, vol. 2, no. 1 (September, 1953), p. 4.

"Radio Guild Will Sponsor Initial Open Auditions Today, Tomorrow", Cornell Daily Sun, October 2, 1935, p. 1.

"Station Opens Coverage", WVBR Radio-Gram, vol. 2., no. 2 (November, 1953), p. 1.

"Station Survives Bureaucrats and Invaders", Post-Standard (Syracuse, N.Y.), February 15, 1959, p. 15.

STROUT, ALAN M., "WVBR Policy Revision" (letter to the editor), Cornell Daily Sun, November 14, 1947, p. 4.

TAYLOR, CHARLES A., Twenty Years of Extension Broadcasting 1925-1945, Cornell Extension Bulletin 726, July, 1947, pp. 8-13 and 37-39.

WENDELL, ROBIN, "Campus Broadcasts" (letter to the editor), Cornell Daily Sun, November 12, 1947, P. 4.

"WVBR Opens New Network", Cornell Daily Sun , April 19, 1948.

WVBR-FM Program Guide, vol. 2, no. 9 (May,1960), inside front cover.