New photos from Ian Spier (rec'd May 2007):
"Remote" from the Rock Garden. 1966?
Darry Sragow
(headphones), Ian Spier, Barry Gold and ???
26 new photos from Carl Moore (rec'd May 2007)
Hungerford Hill
Hungerford Hill
WVBR Tower
10-63 Dave Yerzley at WVBR xmtr
4-64 wvbr fm xmtr
WVBR Transmitter
4-64 WVBR-FM
control panel
4-64 WVBR-FM xmtr control
WVBR-FM Engineering Booth
1-64 WVBR-FM studio
4-64 WVBR-FM Announcer Desk
6-64 WVBR-FM Studio; Paul Gitelson
4-64 WVBR-AM DJ Studio
1-64 WVBR Jeff Milman
1-64 WVBR Jeff Moskin
4-64 Dave Yerzley
6-64 Denny Paul, Jeff Moskin, Mike Goldstein, Mike Ernstoff
3-64 Jeff Moskin golfing
6-64 Mike Ernstoff
3-64 Phillips lecture hall
3-64 Cornell's Burroughs 220 computer (vacuum tubes!)
10-63 E Lab
2-62 Cornell getting gas
Cornell - College Town
2-62 Cornell - Danby Rd apt
2-62 Cornell - freshman dorms
Libe Tower at night; 1965
A fine Spring day in Ithaca. Easter
Sunday 1965
Cascadilla Creek Bridge to College Town.
Easter Sunday 1965
Studio A - "We've got records ..." Jerry Budelman
on left; Jack Petty at mike, and Walt Ensdorf. Dec. 1969
Carl Moore
Election Night, 1962
4 pictures, with names!
FM control board
(home-built mono) overlooking the Rock Garden; 1961
FM control board.
Not really Bauer Stereo [Note 1]; 1967
FM Control Room, featuring the Ampex reel-to-reels;
AM Control Room; 1965
AM Control Room; 1967
Transmitter control panel. See also the
Donlon AM transmitter; 1965
Dec. 1967 |
A Marathon Program Guide
(Courtesy Steve Gauss)
... with transmitter and tower atop Hungerford
Hill ...
(3 photos)