WVBR Photo Album From the collection of Stephen Gauss, '63
WVBR covered the state and local elections. Robert Morgenthau ran against,
I believe, Nelson Rockefeller. We had reporters at various precincts within
Ithaca and Thompkins County and, of course, had the results from the UPI
teletype. We had a "remote" set up upstairs in the Straight from
which we broadcast the returns as they came in. Seen here Frank (Don Swift)
Huband and I share the announcing duties while the reporters provide updates
in the background. In one picture Mike Goldstein pounds out copy on the
old typewriter. As with most broadcast elections the early returns were
slow to come in. Frank and I had accumulated lots of background material,
but used it all up pretty quickly. At one point Frank said "That's
all from here. Now back to you, Steve." Since I had run out of things
to say also, we frantically signaled for more commercials!